About Me

I joined the infosec field for fun actually , took it seriously since around 6 years doing freelance pentesting as well as bugbounty hunting from time to time. I gained OSCE,GXPN,GDAT,OSEW,eCPTX,OSCP,GMOB,eWPTX,OSWP,GWAPT,eCRE,CPTE certificates along with long list of self study courses.

My main role is performing hands on testing of variety of systems and applications (web , VOIP , WIFI , Mobile apps . . etc) as well as hardening others when required , I never stop learning and so finding some new stuff , that’s the reason behind this blog is to share my findings and helping others who struggle to get better knowledge in the infosec field whenerver I can

Currently working as

  • Penetration testing staff leader & redteam operator at EG-CERT
  • Redteam operator and Cofounder at Redforce

You can find out some of my findings at

In my free time I enjoy reading , watching movies , listening to music (well that might happen even when am not free so share me your list anyway) , Eating (LMK if you know a good restaurant) and hanging out mostly.

Currently am spending half of the week nearby Zayed city, Egypt. Feel free to reach me back if you're around.

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Feel free to Drop me an email or DM me on Twitter.